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Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution

Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution

Now completely updated in trade paperback, this top-selling diet and health book includes seven new chapters and revisions throughout. It provides tips on how to jumpstart the program and delicious new recipes.

What Is the Atkins Nutritional ApproachTM?

The cornerstone of the Atkins philosophy is a four-phase eating plan in conjunction with vitamin and mineral supplementation and regular exercise. Further, it is based upon four principles.

The Atkins Nutritional ApproachTM rebalances your nutrition so that you improve your energy level and your appearance and gain a sense of well-being. Following this approach lays the groundwork for a lifetime of better health.

The four-phase individualized eating plan allows you to knowledgeably select which foods to eat based on your need to achieve weight loss and weight maintenance, enjoy good health and prevent disease. Food selections will differ to varying degrees depending upon the phase you are in and your individual metabolism.

The phases in the Atkins roadmap to sustained success are:

Phase 1: Induction

Restrict carbohydrate consumption to 20 grams each day, obtaining carbohydrate primarily from salad and other non-starchy vegetables.

Phase 2: Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL)

Add carbohydrate, in the form of nutrient-dense and fiber-rich foods, by increasing to 25 grams daily the first week, 30 grams daily the next week and so on until weight loss stops. Then subtract 5 grams of carbohydrate from your daily intake so that you continue sustained, moderate weight loss.

Phase 3: Pre-Maintenance

Make the transition from weight loss to weight maintenance by increasing the daily carbohydrate intake in 10-gram increments each week so long as very gradual weight loss is maintained.

Phase 4: Lifetime Maintenance

Select from a wide variety of foods while controlling carbohydrate intake to ensure weight maintenance and a sense of well-being. This lifestyle is the foundation for a lifetime of better health.

Unlike a diet, the Atkins Nutritional ApproachTM is a lifetime nutritional philosophy, focusing on the consumption of nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods and vitanutrient supplementation. Moreover, Atkins restricts processed/refined carbohydrates (which make up more than 50 percent of many people's diets), such as high-sugar foods, breads, pasta, cereal and starchy vegetables. Core vitanutrient supplementation includes a full-spectrum multivitamin and an essential oils/fatty acid formula. This nutritional philosophy has been embraced by an estimated 20 million people worldwide since the release of Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution in the 1970s, and was the cornerstone of the treatment protocols for patients of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine in New York City (1984-2003).

Dr. Atkins' Age-Defying Diet

Dr. Atkins' Age-Defying Diet

With more than 1 million copies in print, the New York Times bestseller is now available in a trade paperback edition.

The Atkins Nutritional PrinciplesTM

Four principles form the core of the Atkins Nutritional ApproachTM and are supported by a solid foundation of medical and nutritional scientific research.

1. You will lose weight. It’s hard not to. Both men and women who follow the Atkins approach to weight loss readily take off pounds and inches. For the small numbers who have a truly hard-core metabolic resistance to weight loss, there are ways to overcome the barriers that prevent a successful outcome. Optimizing body weight is a valuable element of any health-oriented program because, by and large, being significantly overweight is an indicator of health problems, either now or in the future. When you've pared pounds, you'll see benefits flow in to take their place—and they'll be more than merely cosmetic.

2 You will maintain your weight loss. This is where the Atkins Nutritional ApproachTM leaves most other weight-control programs in the dust. Almost every experienced dieter has embarked on a weight-loss program, worked hard at it, lost a lot of pounds and gained them all back in a few months or perhaps a year. This is usually due to the expected consequence of low-fat, low-calorie diets: hunger. Although many people can tolerate hunger for a while, very few can tolerate it for a lifetime. Deprivation is no fun. Once the biological gap between hunger and fulfillment grows too large, the rebound can be rapid, as well as heartbreaking and humiliating. But that’s the problem with diets that restrict quantities. The Atkins program refuses to accept hunger as a way of life. People who do Atkins gradually find their effective individual level of carbohydrate intake, the tool that allows them to maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime.

3. You will achieve good health. The change is amazing. With Atkins, you meet your nutritional needs by eating healthy, wholesome foods and omitting junk food. As a result, fatigue drops from your shoulders like a heavy winter coat you mistakenly wore in summer. This occurs not merely because the pounds drop off, but because the physical consequences of a truly dysfunctional blood-sugar and insulin metabolism are reversed. People who do Atkins start feeling good long before they reach their goal weight. Once they abandon the catastrophic American diet of refined carbohydrates for whole, unrefined food, they start to live again.

4. You will lay the permanent groundwork for disease prevention. You will change your life, which—believe it or not—is even more important than looking good on the beach next summer. By following an individualized controlled carbohydrate nutritional approach that results in lower insulin production, people at high risk for chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes will see a marked improvement in their clinical parameters. All the rest of us won't have to become high-risk candidates for disease. It’s as simple as that.

Dr. Atkins' Quick & Easy New Diet Cookbook: Companion to Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution

Dr. Atkins' Quick & Easy New Diet Cookbook: Companion to Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution

In this revised companion book to Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, readers will find newly updated recipes that will let them eat the most up-to-date Atkins way. Includes 50 entirely new recipes and updated favorites. Two-color illustrations.

Dr. Atkins' Three-Book Box Set (Atkins New Diet Revolution, Atkins New Diet Cookbook, Atkins Carbohydrate Gram Counter)

Dr. Atkins' Three-Book Box Set (Atkins New Diet Revolution, Atkins New Diet Cookbook, Atkins Carbohydrate Gram Counter)

Now available for the first time is a package which includes three of Dr. Robert C. Atkins' most popular books: Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, Dr. Atkins' New Diet Cookbook and Dr. Atkins' Carbohydrate Gram Counter.

Atkins for Life

Atkins for Life

A new audiobook from the #1 New York Times bestselling author that reveals the secrets to successful lifelong weight loss Millions of followers already know that the Atkins Diet really works ... and new, important studies from leading universities agree, Where, in the past, the Atkins Diet has been the center of medical controversy, it has now been medically proven that eating the Atkins way is not only delicious, but it's also a safe and effective plan for shedding pounds for good. Followers are hungry for more information on how to stay on the plan--and that's what this program delivers. In addition to the two CDs, it will include a CD-ROM with: - 180 menu plans (over six months' worth of menus) with controlled carbohydrate counts- 125 recipes, including dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and smart snacks- low-carb holiday meals and fabulous ethnic cuisine- self-tests and FAQs to help readers meet their goals and stay on track.

Dr. Atkins' New Diet Value Pack

Dr. Atkins' New Diet Value Pack

This new hardcover edition of the bestselling Dr. Atkins' New Diet Cookbook comes packaged with a carbohydrate gram counter, a vital tool for staying informed and on-track in the Atkins diet. For those who have not read Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution , there is also a brief description of the Atkins diet in its four progressive stages.

Lo Esencial de Atkins: Un Programa de DOS Semanas Para Comenzar Un Estilo de Vida Bajo En Carbohidratos Servicios Informativos de Atkins Para

Lo Esencial de Atkins: Un Programa de DOS Semanas Para Comenzar Un Estilo de Vida Bajo En Carbohidratos Servicios Informativos de Atkins Para

Millones de personas en todo el mundo ya han descubierto el Mé todo de Nutrició n Atkins y los tremendos beneficios conseguidos al controlar el consumo de carbohidratos. Ahora es aú n má s fá cil unirse a esta revolució n, perder el peso deseado, y gozar de perfecta salud siguiendo estos sencillos pasos. Menos cientí fica y con un contenido má s prá ctico, esta guí a enfoca la esencia del programa de control de peso má s eficaz del mercado, brindando las herramientas y capacitació n necesarias para perder grasa corporal -- desechá ndola ¡ para siempre! Con respuestas claras y concisas, Lo Esencial de Atkins es ideal para todo aquel en busca de un estilo de vida má s saludable. Y para novatos, es una forma rá pida y efectiva para comenzar. Los ya familiarizados con el programa, encontrará n tips indispensables sobre qué hacer al salir a cenar, al hacer compras, y mucho má s.

El Nuevo Libro de Cocina Dietetica del Dr. Atkins: Complementario a la Nueva Revolucion Dietetica del Dr. Atkins

El Nuevo Libro de Cocina Dietetica del Dr. Atkins: Complementario a la Nueva Revolucion Dietetica del Dr. Atkins

Usted puede tenerlo todo: Sabrosisimas recetas bajas en carbohidratos, rapidas y faciles de hacer!Baje de peso -- y no vuelva a aumentar -- mientras disfruta de deliciosas comidas bajas en carbohidratos que puede servir en su mesa en diez minutos. He aqui solo una muestra de los suculentos y super rapidos platos que puede saborear cuando hace la dieta Atkins: Comience el dia con desayunos que le satisfacen y le dan energia -- Frittata de queso ricota y puerro; Tostadas francesas con almendra; Waffles de naranja.Disfrute de sopas reconfortantes como aperitivo o junto a nuestras refrescantes ensaladas -- Pimiento asado; Crema de berro; Esparragos y puerro; Aguacate; Verduras mediterraneas.Ofrezcales a sus invitados -- y a usted mismo -- elegantes aperitivos -- Rollitos de salmon ahumado; Corazones de alcachofa envueltos en tocino; Natillas de queso de cabra horneado y queso ricota; Huevos rellenos al curry.Pruebe un oceano de platos de pescado y mariscos de rapida preparacion -- Atun con jengibre y salsa de soya; Aguja con corteza de avellanas y pimienta; Tortas de salmon; Ensalada de camarones al estragon; Bacalao horneado con ajo y tomate.Dele un nuevo aspecto a la carne de ave tradicional -- Pollo Satay con coco y cilantro; Pollo con especias de la India; Ensalada de pollo con hinojo y pesto; Pollo a la crema con champinones; Pechuga de pato en salsa de vino tinto.Sirva platos principales para toda la familia -- Chuletas de cerdo con naranja y romero; Albondigas de ajo y eneldo; Cordero al curry; Saltimbocca de ternera; Chevapchichi; Bistec de costillar en salsa de vino tinto.Prepare una variedad de platos principales yacompanantes hechos de vegetales -- Chicharos (guisantes) con avellanas; Pimientos asados en aceite de ajo; Esparragos a la vinagreta; Chiles rellenos; Calabacitas salteadas con nuez moscada.Hornee panes al estilo casero -- Pan de queso cheddar; Muffins de mantequilla y ron; Pan de maiz Atkins.Dese gusto con decadentes dulces y deliciosos postres -- Zabaglione; Crema de mantequilla de chocolate; Bizcocho de limon y ajonjoli; Pasteles Veronica con un beso de ron; Bayas con ganache de chocolate.ADEMAS, muchos, muchos otros platos principales y acompanantes, meriendas y delicias culinarias que daran un buen gusto!

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